Sunday, December 6, 2009

Happy Birthday, Snort!!!

I've been a little behind in getting all of the SuperMom Family updates posted to the blog. I don't know if it's because of the five children running around the house, the wild holiday season that is upon us, the constant back and forth doctor/hospital visits, or just plain laziness. Whatever the excuse, I'm working hard to remedy it.
Anyway, Snort turned TWO this past month. It doesn't seem possible that he's already so big, but the calendar says it's true. Who am I to argue with the calendar, right? Little Guy was in the hospital for Snort's actual birtday, so we had to postponed his little party by one week. The great thing about being two was that he had no idea it was his birthday in the first place.
Snort has recently found a new love in Elmo, so that was what sort of cake we got him. Well, actually that's what kind of cupcakes we got him. We was so proud of those cupcakes, too. He talked to them all afternoon.
I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that his favorite present was the Elmo Marlene got him. He has been carrying it around and sleeping with it ever since it got here.
When I look back and think about Snort's little life, I am so impressed by how strong he has become. He started out with breathing troubles so early on at just four weeks old. Then came the umbilical hernia, the hypospadias, more breathing trouble, severe reflux more breathing trouble, vision troubles, and asthma.
Snort has been globally delayed for so long. But just Friday, he had his last visit with Dr. M. (Remember we're losing our amazingly spectacular pediatrician because of stupid bureaucrats at the local hospital. Yeah, that'll be a whole other blog post. Don't worry. It'll be good.) She couldn't believe the progress Snort has made. He has found words, he's walking, he's stacking blocks, he's playing interactively, he's laughing, and he's loving.
You've come far, Little Snort. Happy birthday!!!!

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